Wednesday 28 February 2018

This Is Me

                                 i am learning to post a photo on my blog.

Monday 26 February 2018


I am learning to inform my audience with an entertaining moment.

Gagging as I hold the tin of sardines in my hand. This was my moment of having to taste sardines I put the tin on the table, reaching for a spoon. Oh no, aaarrrggghhh. As the tin opened the smell escaping as I look into the can, ‘ick’.

The spoon wrapped tightly in my hand as the spoon begins to shake, stepping in closer to the can sitting on the table. I deep it into the tin, the only thought in my head was YUCK! Spooning in the disgusting taste, it was bad. Dropping the spoon I grab a cup, filling it with water, drinking cup after cup. The water chasing the sardines down my esofergus.

The water was going 1 billion mile per hour then i told my self never eat sardines

The water was going one billion miles per hour, finally the awful taste of sardines was over. That is when I told myself I would never ever eat sardines again. 

Friday 9 February 2018

Huge Rat

Aahh! Did you know that in the holidays a huge rat was in my house? It was fatter than a bigfoots toe.

We first saw the rat run out of my sisters room into the hallway.

Then it ran into my other sisters room and ran back out. When i went to feed the dog her food was in the cupboard and when I opened the door and grabbed the food and the huge rat ran out of the bag and ran away with my Dad chasing it.