Thursday, 12 April 2018

Inspirational heroes

During reading we have been researching people who have faced challenges and have stood up for what they believed in. They have either been a voice for those that don’t have one or are a person who never gave up when facing challenges.

My person Henry Ford.

Come visit Room 6 to check out my flip presentation of Henry Ford.

Tuesday, 10 April 2018

Cyber Safety Rules

In room 6 we have been learning about cyber safety we have learnt alot about being digital citizen.
Here three key rules about cyber safety.

1. be careful of what you post online.All the information leaves a digital footprint.
2.never share your personel details such as your full name,age,address,and passwords
with any people,even those who say they know
you. nice!no one likes a digital respecful and be a great digital citizen.

Monday, 9 April 2018

Army feld madness

I am learning to write a narrative with a image

‘‘Yes yes yes my robot now tomorrow I will put it on sale’ said dr.oliver ‘ hey what’s this’ said one of the army men dr. oliver climbs down and tries to grab it out of his hand but it spills all over the robot ‘no! that acid can make this robot come alive and destroy Los angels’ yelled dr.oliver ‘oh dear’ robot noise vibrate the whole army base.

Hundreds of soldiers grab weapons to take the robot down but robot has already left what's the point, and it has destroyed every plane in sight.(gun shots shooting at the robot) but will it stop the robot no the robot keeps on running”.oh no my new lamborghini “screamed khloe kardashian

Then team of mini robots that all look the same they look like mini robots of the big robot

Dr.oliver grabs his friends which is Vincent,Otis,Caleb,Xavier,Noah,Riley all said ‘it's like the real fortnight’.They all run at the huge beast but to easy for the beast.They got flug from la to london.

Yeah not good and also when a army of robots in Los angles that blew up the Chloe kardashian New car yeah that’s really bad “I think we should `build a slingshot” said dr.oliver “okay i know a place that has parts that we could use” said Otis. So the group run to the store.

Ding ding as they went threw the door “Oh bonjour “ said the french store man “may I help you ” he said all the boys said fine dr.oliver found the biggest rubber ribbon ever, motor. bent iron, stick, perfect.After hours of hard work they all flung his group and his self back to la then plonk back in the army base and worse the robot was there oh no.The robot turned and looked at dr.oliver oh no the robot sprinted to dr.oliver and lifted his left arm and smashed it on the ground but dr.oliver grabbed a rocket gun and shoots the robot in the face then a cloud of dust falls on him ten days he got paid $666 million the end.

Tuesday, 3 April 2018


Tena Koutou Katoa

No Germany ahau (where I’m from)

No Auckland tōku kainga inaianei (Where I live now)

Ko Dan tōku pāpā (___is my Father)

Ko Sascha tōku māmā (____ is my mother)

Ko Vincent tōku ingoa (___________ is my name)