I am a Year 6 at Good Shepherd School in Auckland. I am in Room 5 and my Teacher is Mrs Drummond.
Monday, 10 December 2018
Friday, 7 December 2018
Friday, 30 November 2018
Thursday, 29 November 2018
🐝🐜Edible insects and bugs🐛🐌
I am learning to persuade my audience
Are you sick of eating beef, steak or any other type of meat? What if I told you that eating hairy spiders or wiggly worms would gain you more protein and healthy edible foods. When you first see chocolate covered crickets, worm stew cricket fritters you feel absolutely like I’m not eating that, but most of the people around the world that have tried it actually like it.
It can be very simple to cook with lots of different bugs like beetles, meal-worms, crickets and grasshoppers. Bugs go really well with any type of recipe from around the world.
China, Mexico and Thailand, all these places use bugs with their traditional dinners.
Search up online amazing recipes for bugs and insects cooked with food. There are some many things you can make with bugs like chocolate covered crickets and meal-worm fries. Most people try bugs without any taste. Sometimes they heat it up gobble it down like any other type of sweet. According to the internet most of the people that try bugs actually enjoy it. Did you know that eating a bug can give you more protein than most vitamins and minerals and your daily vegetables?
As you can see there are lots of different healthy options for eating bugs. It’s very good if you get in the habit of eating bugs for breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea and dinner. As I said earlier on bugs are delicious and are healthy foods that you can add to your life.
I strongly believe that we should eat delightful bugs with their healthy option and something that might be handy in the future. I truly hope that this piece of my writing stopped you from no dinner to a lovely dinner.
I am learning to persuade my audience
Are you sick of eating beef, steak or any other type of meat? What if I told you that eating hairy spiders or wiggly worms would gain you more protein and healthy edible foods. When you first see chocolate covered crickets, worm stew cricket fritters you feel absolutely like I’m not eating that, but most of the people around the world that have tried it actually like it.
It can be very simple to cook with lots of different bugs like beetles, meal-worms, crickets and grasshoppers. Bugs go really well with any type of recipe from around the world.
China, Mexico and Thailand, all these places use bugs with their traditional dinners.
Search up online amazing recipes for bugs and insects cooked with food. There are some many things you can make with bugs like chocolate covered crickets and meal-worm fries. Most people try bugs without any taste. Sometimes they heat it up gobble it down like any other type of sweet. According to the internet most of the people that try bugs actually enjoy it. Did you know that eating a bug can give you more protein than most vitamins and minerals and your daily vegetables?
As you can see there are lots of different healthy options for eating bugs. It’s very good if you get in the habit of eating bugs for breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea and dinner. As I said earlier on bugs are delicious and are healthy foods that you can add to your life.
I strongly believe that we should eat delightful bugs with their healthy option and something that might be handy in the future. I truly hope that this piece of my writing stopped you from no dinner to a lovely dinner.
Tuesday, 20 November 2018
The harder the battle the sweeter the victory! All of Good Shepherd School piled into buses as we headed to Three Kings Fields for the annual Athletics Day event. We had been training for weeks and we were ready to take on our peers and to compete for a placing. The events were running, long jump, high jump, discus and shot put. My favorite event was.
Monday, 19 November 2018
Our focus this term in Religious Education was the Communion of Saints. We learnt about the three parts of the Communion of Saints and how we are all connected. The Communion of Saints is bonded through prayer, baptism and the Eucharist.
As part of our studies we researched and created a slide show that explored a live of a Saint.
Week 5 and 6 were busy for Room 6 we presented our assembly in week 5 and had whole school prayers on Monday, Week 6. Our theme for prayers was community, compassion, and discipleship. This was inspired as we approach christmas and start to think about others and those who are in need of help. Our Reading was 1 John 3:16-18, we also presented a song that we put lyrical dances moves to our song was: So will I, by Hillsong. This is the song: So will I
Friday, 16 November 2018
Friday, 9 November 2018
passport task.
the original song below.
Athletics Day.
Every Tuesday and Wednesday we have school sports. This Wednesday we had shot put.My favorite sport is high jump. I'm to good at it but I enjoy doing it. Next Tuesday we have athletics day i'm looking forward to it.
Monday, 29 October 2018
Success Criteria
In writing we have been learning to write a persuasive piece of writing. We have co constructed our success criteria together. Here is our instructor criteria check list.
Title: Clearly states what you are going to be talking about
Title: Clearly states what you are going to be talking about
Example: Eating Edible Bugs
o Hook: A way to pull your audience in (possibly a rhetorical question, weird and wacky fact or setting a scene).
Example: Are you sick and tired of the same old meal every single night, run out of inspiration for dinner ideas and the family just don’t appreciate your hard work around dinner? Well now you can add the crunch back into your evening meals with interesting and creative dinner ideas.
o Clearly stating what your topic is about / Statement
Example: I believe that everyone should cook with insects.
I believe… I think… I strongly recommend… In my opinion… that all people should eat insects
o Background information: Use broad interest facts
Example: When people hear of others eating bugs they normally screw up their face and say, “Yuck!” But did you know most people who try insects actually end enjoying them. My challenge for you today is to try insect.
o Lead in sentence to your paragraphs (at the end)
There are many reasons why we should eat insects in our diet such as bug are healthy and low in fat, tasty fun treats and you be creative with recipes from all over the world.
Friday, 26 October 2018
Bike safety
On Wednesday we went a bike safety lesson.
Friday, 19 October 2018
Kia Kaha- My Shield
In room 6 we all made a shield to show how we are unique. Here is my shield to show that I am special.
Friday, 28 September 2018
Thursday, 27 September 2018
Tuesday, 25 September 2018
kiwi bird
I am learning to inform my audience through an information report.
What is a native bird to New Zealand that has wings but cannot fly? If you guessed a kiwi you are right. Kiwis are small fuzzy flightless birds that are native to New Zealand. The scientific name for the kiwi is apteryx and there are five different kiwi types. The Northern Brown Kiwi, Southern Brown Kiwi, the Small Spotted Kiwi, the Great Spotted Kiwi, and the Okarito Kiwi. All species are endangered, they have many threats as they venture out in search of food.
The kiwis diet has a normal diet like any other bird. The kiwi is an omnivore, so this means they eat both meat and plant sources of food. Plant sources of food are berries, leaves and seeds. When eating meat they normally feast on invertebrates. Invertebrates do not have a backbone and make for an easy meal to digest, such invertebrates are grubs, beetles, worms and more. The reason that the kiwi loves eating these bugs is because the kiwi is rather good at locating food with its sense of smell. The kiwi is so fast it can catch up with he or she's meal and they also have a great sense of smell so it can smell its prey If they eat those types of insects. The flightless kiwi needs that exact location to have these types of foods.
The habitat is a place most people call home and animals are no different. A habitat provides an animal with all their needs from safety, food, to housing. The kiwi birds habitat can be found in a range of environments from snowy mountain edges, sand dunes, forests and farmlands. The only reason why the kiwi lives in these lands is because all the kiwis favourite foods are in these locations. It's very easy for the kiwi to get food as they are great adapters. This means they get used to their habitat. The kiwi might make a borrow or a trench to live in until the kiwi hears something running across the ground. Yes, a predator, hunting the precious, flightless bird.
The kiwi is a flightless bird that is found on the ground level this makes them vulnerable to lots of predators. These predators are causing these endangered kiwi problems because all these mammals are killing kiwis for food. When I say mammal I mean stoats, weasels, cats, dogs and pigs. Some of the predators are much bigger than the kiwi like the wild pig. The kiwi is known to be fast and to be able to run as fast as a human but these mammals are able to outrun humans too. We need to make sure we provide habitats to help keep the kiwi safe.
As you can see the kiwi is an important icon to New Zealand, but we have to know more about the kiwi to help it survive and not to be endangered at all. We need to understand the diet of a kiwi so we can make sure they have plenty of food, we need to understand where the kiwi lives so we can help protect it from predators. New Zealand loves the kiwi and it is well known around the world, we need to do more to protect it.
What is a native bird to New Zealand that has wings but cannot fly? If you guessed a kiwi you are right. Kiwis are small fuzzy flightless birds that are native to New Zealand. The scientific name for the kiwi is apteryx and there are five different kiwi types. The Northern Brown Kiwi, Southern Brown Kiwi, the Small Spotted Kiwi, the Great Spotted Kiwi, and the Okarito Kiwi. All species are endangered, they have many threats as they venture out in search of food.
The kiwis diet has a normal diet like any other bird. The kiwi is an omnivore, so this means they eat both meat and plant sources of food. Plant sources of food are berries, leaves and seeds. When eating meat they normally feast on invertebrates. Invertebrates do not have a backbone and make for an easy meal to digest, such invertebrates are grubs, beetles, worms and more. The reason that the kiwi loves eating these bugs is because the kiwi is rather good at locating food with its sense of smell. The kiwi is so fast it can catch up with he or she's meal and they also have a great sense of smell so it can smell its prey If they eat those types of insects. The flightless kiwi needs that exact location to have these types of foods.
The habitat is a place most people call home and animals are no different. A habitat provides an animal with all their needs from safety, food, to housing. The kiwi birds habitat can be found in a range of environments from snowy mountain edges, sand dunes, forests and farmlands. The only reason why the kiwi lives in these lands is because all the kiwis favourite foods are in these locations. It's very easy for the kiwi to get food as they are great adapters. This means they get used to their habitat. The kiwi might make a borrow or a trench to live in until the kiwi hears something running across the ground. Yes, a predator, hunting the precious, flightless bird.
The kiwi is a flightless bird that is found on the ground level this makes them vulnerable to lots of predators. These predators are causing these endangered kiwi problems because all these mammals are killing kiwis for food. When I say mammal I mean stoats, weasels, cats, dogs and pigs. Some of the predators are much bigger than the kiwi like the wild pig. The kiwi is known to be fast and to be able to run as fast as a human but these mammals are able to outrun humans too. We need to make sure we provide habitats to help keep the kiwi safe.
As you can see the kiwi is an important icon to New Zealand, but we have to know more about the kiwi to help it survive and not to be endangered at all. We need to understand the diet of a kiwi so we can make sure they have plenty of food, we need to understand where the kiwi lives so we can help protect it from predators. New Zealand loves the kiwi and it is well known around the world, we need to do more to protect it.
Ni hoa
Room 6 are learning how to speak Chinese and we have a Chinese class every Friday morning.
Ji jin
Room 6 are learning how to speak Chinese and we have a Chinese class every Friday morning.
Ji jin
In room 6 we learning about the hangi. My friend Noah and i made our own hangi it was really hard
when we presented it to the class we were fine with.
when we presented it to the class we were fine with.
bird poster
room 6 kids all made a bird poster each mine was called the flame duck weirdly because i couldn't
think of a name.
think of a name.
Monday, 24 September 2018
Last week was cultural week and everyone in the school chose a class to learn a langue from a another
country i chose Spanish class and on Friday all the different classes performed their cultural dance
country i chose Spanish class and on Friday all the different classes performed their cultural dance
Friday, 14 September 2018
Ransom Note - Code Club
We made a ransom note for code club which is after school. We used trinket to help us.
Tuesday, 11 September 2018
Monday, 10 September 2018
bird beaks
Pointed beak, flat beak and pelican beak are all the types of beaks we used for this discovery.But these things are also known as forceps, tongs and cups. First we learnt about the meanings of the words we need to know like, aim. Aim means trying to achieve something in the experiment we were trying to see what shape beak is the best for picking up food. And we learnt what will we change( the equipment), What we will measure ( the amount of food) and how we will keep it a fair test. The way we can make it a fair test by having a nice steady surface, by having the same person doing each type of food also by having the same amount of time of 30 seconds. We had an amazing time experimenting with rice, peppercorns, gummy worms and skittles and after we got to eat LOLLIES. Thank you Miss Down for this amazing experiment.
m and m challenge
Last Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday we did the M&M challenge. The class got into groups with one leader in each group. Miss Down gave us some M&M’s and we had to count how many we had and next figured how much M&M’s our group had. After we found out how many M&M’s we all had many people realised that some people had a very small amount of M&M’s while others had about 50. The next thing we did was counting how much of red we had then blue then yellow until we had finished alll the colours we had. When we did everything Miss Down told us to share all the M&M’s equally with our group and everyone in the class gott 41 M&M’s each! We have put our information on a poster.
Grandparents mass
On Friday 24th August 2018 we celebrated Grandparents Mass with our grandparents, family/whanau and the whole school. We first went to mass to celebrate with Father Bernard Kyle, who blessed our dear Grandparent with a blessing and we sung a special song to them. When mass was finished our PTA team prepared a treat for us. There was lots of sweet and coffee/tea to sip on. By the time the that all the food was finished it was then time to perform some dances for our audience. The groups that performed were the Sheridan Kapa Haka, Choir, Tap dancing, Ukulele and Irish Dancing. That was a joyful day that we would always remember. We are blessed to have such special people in our lives.
Wednesday, 22 August 2018
Monday, 13 August 2018
st mary mackillop feast day
Yesterday was the feast day of Saint Mary Mackillop. We started our day attending our parish mass to celebrate her feast day as a whole community. All the students came back from mass to continue the celebrations by joining our buddy class. Room 4 and 6 together came together to work on paper dolls of ourselves. We know St Mary of the Cross always supported and helped all the children in need. We made a large St Mary MacKillop and we placed all out paper dolls of ourselves around her. Then we were all very lucky to receive a free sausage sizzle from the PTA to continue the celebrations at lunch. In the afternoon we then got to go and play a range of fun games with our buddy class. This was such a fun day working along each other but most of all having fun. Happy Saint Mary MacKillop Feast Day.
Here is our mural…
Here is our mural…
Tuesday, 31 July 2018
In Maori we have been learning about a Whakatauki
A Whakatauki is a proverb, what is truly valued in the Maori Culture.
The Whakatauki that we have been learning about is if we all shared then no one would go without.
We would be able to provide for all that come to us.
There are also Proverbs in the Bible that encourage us to share.
Read these proverbs : Proverbs 19:17; 22:9; 31:20.
Jesus also showed us the teachings of God when he feed the multitudes of people with the fish and the loaves. Read more about this in the Gospel of John: 6 or the Gospel of Matt4.
A Whakatauki is a proverb, what is truly valued in the Maori Culture.
The Whakatauki that we have been learning about is if we all shared then no one would go without.
We would be able to provide for all that come to us.
There are also Proverbs in the Bible that encourage us to share.
Read these proverbs : Proverbs 19:17; 22:9; 31:20.
Jesus also showed us the teachings of God when he feed the multitudes of people with the fish and the loaves. Read more about this in the Gospel of John: 6 or the Gospel of Matt4.
Science Classification
In room six we have been learning to classify animals.
scientists classify animals and plants into groups in order to easily identify,sort,and name them.
classify=sort there are many different ways to group living organisms. you can classify animals into two main groups. vertebrate or invertebrate.
all vertebrates have...
covering of skin that protects them.
skeleton inside their body .
muscles that help them move blood moves through the tubes.
lungs or gills for breathing. invertebrates 90% of all animals are invertebrates tend to be small because they do not have a backbone many live in the ocean because the water supports their weight .some have a hard shell on the outside of their bodies for protection -insects spiders, crabs, snails, clams,
scientists classify animals and plants into groups in order to easily identify,sort,and name them.
classify=sort there are many different ways to group living organisms. you can classify animals into two main groups. vertebrate or invertebrate.
all vertebrates have...
covering of skin that protects them.
skeleton inside their body .
muscles that help them move blood moves through the tubes.
lungs or gills for breathing. invertebrates 90% of all animals are invertebrates tend to be small because they do not have a backbone many live in the ocean because the water supports their weight .some have a hard shell on the outside of their bodies for protection -insects spiders, crabs, snails, clams,

Friday, 27 July 2018
Tuesday, 26 June 2018
Lights, Camera, Action!
Last week Good Shepherd School performed, ‘Zip Zip Zap Avenue’. We packed the school hall with our family and friends as the rain fell. Most of GSS students were in the holding classrooms covered in make-up and sitting in our toy costumes.
The first dance was the boys and girls of Room 3 and 4 who were transformers, this was a great and powerful way to start the show. Room 5 then twirled onto the stage as Barbie and Ken dancing to Barbie girl. Things got a little spooky as the trolls of Room 7 came out in the middle of the night to the song Thriller. We weren’t too scared for long as the fairies in Room 3 and 4 came out dancing away in their gorgeous fair dresses. And just when you thought things couldn’t get any cuter the teddy bears from Room 1 and 2 went on their teddy bear picnic. Room 8 then showed us what teamwork is with their awesome lego outfit and very cool song … Everything is awesome! Next up were the Kiwi toy, with great costumes for the kiwi birds and the wonderful performance of the Poi Dancers. And finally it was our turn, Room 6 spun onto the stage as Rubix Cubes dancing to You Spin Me Right Around.
It was a fantastic experience for us all, we learnt a lot about performing and all the work that goes on in the background. We was a wonderful opportunity and it wouldn’t of been possible without the support of everyone working together.
Seed crackers
In Room Six we have been learning about how we can stay healthy and have a well balanced diet. For a healthy class treat we made seed crackers.
Here is our recipe
½ cup Sunflower seeds
½ cup Pumpkin seeds
¼ cup Sesame seeds
¼ cup Poppy seeds
¼ cup Linseed/flaxseed seeds
¼ cup chia seeds
½ tsp sea salt
1 cup water
1 sprinkle of flaky sea salt, to sprinkle
Heat oven to 170C. Place all the seeds and the salt in a bowl, pour in water and mix to combine. Leave for 15 minutes for the chia and flax seeds to soften and bind everything together. Tip out onto a baking paper-lined oven tray and spread out as thin as possible (around 4mm thick) and sprinkle with some flaky sea salt. Bake for 30 minutes. Remove the tray from the oven and slice into crackers, then return to the oven to cook for another 20-30 minutes until crisp and golden. Remove to a rack to cool then store in an airtight container. Now your crackers are ready to eat.
On the last week of school we are going to be having a Healthy Food Party - Veggie Con on Monday the 2nd July, everybody will bring healthy food for us to eat as a shared lunch.
Check out our blogs for family favourites or healthy recipes we searched.
The Royal Jelly
On Tuesday 29 of May the whole of Good Shepherd gathered in the hall to watch a show called “The Royal Jelly”. It gave us a lot of facts about bees and was really funny. Also three students were lucky enough to participate in the show answering questions from the “mayor”. Over all the show was fun and interesting and we all learned a lot.
Wednesday, 13 June 2018
Healthy Food Snacks
self-raising flour 1 cup
ground cinnamon 2 teaspoons
bran flakes or wheat bran 1 ½ cups
sultanas or raisins ½ cup
golden syrup ½ cup
oil (e.g. canola) ¼ cup
very ripe bananas 3, large, mashed
vanilla essence or extract 1 teaspoon
free-range eggs 2
natural yoghurt or coconut yoghurt ¾ cup
baking soda 1 teaspoon
chia seeds 1 teaspoon
pumpkin seeds 1 tablespoon
cacao nibs 1 tablespoon (optional)
Preheat oven to 200°C. Line a 12-hole medium or large muffin pan with paper cases.
1. Sift flour and cinnamon into a medium mixing bowl. Stir in a pinch of salt, bran flakes and dried fruit.
2. In a large mixing bowl, whisk together golden syrup, oil, banana, vanilla, eggs, yogurt and baking soda until smooth.
3. Fold the flour mixture into the wet mixture with a large metal spoon until combined, being careful not to over-mix.
4. Spoon into cases and sprinkle with both the seeds and cacao nibs (if using). Bake for 20-25 minutes or until risen and the tops are lightly golden and spring back when gently pressed. Take out of oven and leave to stand for at least 5 minutes before removing from tin.
Top tip: muffins freeze well, so tuck some away to enjoy another day
Monday, 28 May 2018
Malo to Samoan language Week
welcome-afio mai
good job-malo
The cultural leaders opened the week with their national costume and dance.
In room 6 we have been exploring the Samoan Cultural with general facts. We searched for our fact card around the room and collected information for our Jigsaw Reading Hunt.
Next our Samoan experts in class gave us a lesson on greetings and phrases in Samoan.
Then we moved onto counting to ten in Samoan for math before finishing our math session with a clapping game in Samoan.
good job-malo
The cultural leaders opened the week with their national costume and dance.
In room 6 we have been exploring the Samoan Cultural with general facts. We searched for our fact card around the room and collected information for our Jigsaw Reading Hunt.
Next our Samoan experts in class gave us a lesson on greetings and phrases in Samoan.
Then we moved onto counting to ten in Samoan for math before finishing our math session with a clapping game in Samoan.
Friday, 25 May 2018
Ra Whanau Suzanne Aubert
In room 6 we have been celebrating Suzanne Aubert’s birthday by making flowers for the theme, “Always choose the little flower of hope.”
Suzanne looked after sick people, people with disabilities, children whose families couldn’t care for them, and the elderly. The work she started continues to this day in places like Wellington’s Compassion Soup Kitchen.
Suzanne left her home in France and came to Aotearoa to support the Maori people. She honoured the Maori people, their tikanga, reo and rongoa. Suzanne loved God and always thought about what he wanted her to do, not what she wanted, even when that wasn’t easy.
Suzanne looked after sick people, people with disabilities, children whose families couldn’t care for them, and the elderly. The work she started continues to this day in places like Wellington’s Compassion Soup Kitchen.
Suzanne left her home in France and came to Aotearoa to support the Maori people. She honoured the Maori people, their tikanga, reo and rongoa. Suzanne loved God and always thought about what he wanted her to do, not what she wanted, even when that wasn’t easy.
Tuesday, 15 May 2018
Maori verbs
In Room 6 we have been learning verbs in maori (action words) The question is 'kei te aha ia?' which means what s/he doing. ia is the pronoun for both he and she.
We have matched verbs up, filled in crosswords, and played Simon Says.
We have matched verbs up, filled in crosswords, and played Simon Says.
Friday, 11 May 2018
To Mum
My handprint
Here is my handprint five fingers in all, outside they are short but the middle is tall.
You will find them on windows, you can find them on the wall,
they will make a big mess for something so small.
One day I will grow and leave them no more
My handprints will be missed of that I am sure.
So here is one now that you cant wipe away.
my present to you this mothers day.
Here is my handprint five fingers in all, outside they are short but the middle is tall.
You will find them on windows, you can find them on the wall,
they will make a big mess for something so small.
One day I will grow and leave them no more
My handprints will be missed of that I am sure.
So here is one now that you cant wipe away.
my present to you this mothers day.
Thursday, 10 May 2018
The Ascension of Jesus
In RE we learnt about the ascension of Jesus of Galilee. Jesus told his disciples to take his gospel to the whole world. He promised to
send the Holy Spirit to be with us always and then he returned, in glory to his father in heaven.
send the Holy Spirit to be with us always and then he returned, in glory to his father in heaven.
Thursday, 12 April 2018
Inspirational heroes
During reading we have been researching people who have faced challenges and have stood up for what they believed in. They have either been a voice for those that don’t have one or are a person who never gave up when facing challenges.
My person Henry Ford.
Come visit Room 6 to check out my flip presentation of Henry Ford.
Tuesday, 10 April 2018
Cyber Safety Rules
In room 6 we have been learning about cyber safety we have learnt alot about being digital citizen.
Here three key rules about cyber safety.
1. be careful of what you post online.All the information leaves a digital footprint.
2.never share your personel details such as your full name,age,address,and passwords
with any people,even those who say they know
3.be nice!no one likes a digital bully.be respecful and be a great digital citizen.
Here three key rules about cyber safety.
1. be careful of what you post online.All the information leaves a digital footprint.
2.never share your personel details such as your full name,age,address,and passwords
with any people,even those who say they know
3.be nice!no one likes a digital bully.be respecful and be a great digital citizen.
Monday, 9 April 2018
Army feld madness
I am learning to write a narrative with a image
‘‘Yes yes yes my robot now tomorrow I will put it on sale’ said dr.oliver ‘ hey what’s this’ said one of the army men dr. oliver climbs down and tries to grab it out of his hand but it spills all over the robot ‘no! that acid can make this robot come alive and destroy Los angels’ yelled dr.oliver ‘oh dear’ robot noise vibrate the whole army base.
Hundreds of soldiers grab weapons to take the robot down but robot has already left what's the point, and it has destroyed every plane in sight.(gun shots shooting at the robot) but will it stop the robot no the robot keeps on running”.oh no my new lamborghini “screamed khloe kardashian
Then team of mini robots that all look the same they look like mini robots of the big robot
Dr.oliver grabs his friends which is Vincent,Otis,Caleb,Xavier,Noah,Riley all said ‘it's like the real fortnight’.They all run at the huge beast but to easy for the beast.They got flug from la to london.
Yeah not good and also when a army of robots in Los angles that blew up the Chloe kardashian New car yeah that’s really bad “I think we should `build a slingshot” said dr.oliver “okay i know a place that has parts that we could use” said Otis. So the group run to the store.
Ding ding as they went threw the door “Oh bonjour “ said the french store man “may I help you ” he said all the boys said fine dr.oliver found the biggest rubber ribbon ever, motor. bent iron, stick, perfect.After hours of hard work they all flung his group and his self back to la then plonk back in the army base and worse the robot was there oh no.The robot turned and looked at dr.oliver oh no the robot sprinted to dr.oliver and lifted his left arm and smashed it on the ground but dr.oliver grabbed a rocket gun and shoots the robot in the face then a cloud of dust falls on him ten days he got paid $666 million the end.
‘‘Yes yes yes my robot now tomorrow I will put it on sale’ said dr.oliver ‘ hey what’s this’ said one of the army men dr. oliver climbs down and tries to grab it out of his hand but it spills all over the robot ‘no! that acid can make this robot come alive and destroy Los angels’ yelled dr.oliver ‘oh dear’ robot noise vibrate the whole army base.
Hundreds of soldiers grab weapons to take the robot down but robot has already left what's the point, and it has destroyed every plane in sight.(gun shots shooting at the robot) but will it stop the robot no the robot keeps on running”.oh no my new lamborghini “screamed khloe kardashian
Then team of mini robots that all look the same they look like mini robots of the big robot
Dr.oliver grabs his friends which is Vincent,Otis,Caleb,Xavier,Noah,Riley all said ‘it's like the real fortnight’.They all run at the huge beast but to easy for the beast.They got flug from la to london.
Yeah not good and also when a army of robots in Los angles that blew up the Chloe kardashian New car yeah that’s really bad “I think we should `build a slingshot” said dr.oliver “okay i know a place that has parts that we could use” said Otis. So the group run to the store.
Ding ding as they went threw the door “Oh bonjour “ said the french store man “may I help you ” he said all the boys said fine dr.oliver found the biggest rubber ribbon ever, motor. bent iron, stick, perfect.After hours of hard work they all flung his group and his self back to la then plonk back in the army base and worse the robot was there oh no.The robot turned and looked at dr.oliver oh no the robot sprinted to dr.oliver and lifted his left arm and smashed it on the ground but dr.oliver grabbed a rocket gun and shoots the robot in the face then a cloud of dust falls on him ten days he got paid $666 million the end.
Tuesday, 3 April 2018
Tena Koutou Katoa
No Germany ahau (where I’m from)
No Auckland tōku kainga inaianei (Where I live now)
Ko Dan tōku pāpā (___is my Father)
Ko Sascha tōku māmā (____ is my mother)
Ko Vincent tōku ingoa (___________ is my name)
No Germany ahau (where I’m from)
No Auckland tōku kainga inaianei (Where I live now)
Ko Dan tōku pāpā (___is my Father)
Ko Sascha tōku māmā (____ is my mother)
Ko Vincent tōku ingoa (___________ is my name)
Monday, 19 March 2018
Tuesday, 6 March 2018
My Mindset
"All thing are difficult before they are easy"
To me, this mindset means not to give up, to stay really strong and to try really hard. Everyone who is really famous had really hard times in their life.
I can use this mindset: when i'm learning at school.
Friday, 2 March 2018
My Me Board

In room 6 we were creating information about us. We put all our personal information on the boards. Creating a Me Board.
Wednesday, 28 February 2018
Monday, 26 February 2018
I am learning to inform my audience with an entertaining moment.
Gagging as I hold the tin of sardines in my hand. This was my moment of having to taste sardines I put the tin on the table, reaching for a spoon. Oh no, aaarrrggghhh. As the tin opened the smell escaping as I look into the can, ‘ick’.
The spoon wrapped tightly in my hand as the spoon begins to shake, stepping in closer to the can sitting on the table. I deep it into the tin, the only thought in my head was YUCK! Spooning in the disgusting taste, it was bad. Dropping the spoon I grab a cup, filling it with water, drinking cup after cup. The water chasing the sardines down my esofergus.
The water was going 1 billion mile per hour then i told my self never eat sardines
The water was going one billion miles per hour, finally the awful taste of sardines was over. That is when I told myself I would never ever eat sardines again.
Friday, 9 February 2018
Huge Rat
Aahh! Did you know that in the holidays a huge rat was in my house? It was fatter than a bigfoots toe.
We first saw the rat run out of my sisters room into the hallway.
Then it ran into my other sisters room and ran back out. When i went to feed the dog her food was in the cupboard and when I opened the door and grabbed the food and the huge rat ran out of the bag and ran away with my Dad chasing it.
We first saw the rat run out of my sisters room into the hallway.
Then it ran into my other sisters room and ran back out. When i went to feed the dog her food was in the cupboard and when I opened the door and grabbed the food and the huge rat ran out of the bag and ran away with my Dad chasing it.
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